Edited volumes with more than one relevant paper
Bhatia, Vijay K. & Flowerdew, John & Jones, Rodney H. 2008. Advances in discourse studies. Oxon: Routledge.
Brinker, Klaus et al., eds. 2000, 2001. Text- und Gesprächslinguistik: ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung // Linguistics of Text and Conversation: an International Handbook of Contemporary Research. 2 volumes. Berlin: de Gruyter. [library ILS]
Tannen, Deborah & Hamilton, Heidi E. & Schiffrin, Deborah, eds. 2015. The handbook of discourse analysis. Second ed. Chicester: John Wiley & Sons. [ub online]
First block: What characterizes spoken registers?
Biber, Douglas. 1991 [1988]. Variation across speech and writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Biber, Douglas. 2006. University language: A corpus-based study of spoken and written registers. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [ub online]
*Biber, Douglas & Conrad, Susan. 2009. Register, genre, and style. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Biber, Douglas et al. 1999. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. London: Longman.
Linell, Per. 2005. The written language bias in linguistics: Its nature, origins and transformations. London, New York: Routledge. http://langs.eserver.org/linell/chapter01.html
*Miller, Jim & Weinert, Regina. 1998. Spontaneous spoken language. Syntax and discourse. Oxford: Clarendon. [ub online]
Mithun, Marianne. 2015. Discourse and grammar. In Tannen et al., 11-41.
Simard, Candide & Schultze-Berndt, Eva. 2011. Documentary linguistics and prosodic evidence for the syntax of spoken language. In Documenting endangered languages. Achievements and perspectives, eds. G. Haig et al., 151-176. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
Tannen, Deborah, ed. 1982. Spoken and written language: exploring orality and literacy. Norwood: Ablex.
Tannen, Deborah, ed. 1984. Coherence in spoken and written discourse. Norwood: Ablex.
Second block: Discourse, Conversation Analysis and interactional approaches
Chafe, W. 2015. Constraining and Guiding the Flow of Discourse. In Tannen et al., eds., 391-405.
Couper-Kuhlen. 2015. Intonation and discourse. In Tannen et al., 82-104.
Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth & Selting, Margaret, eds. 2001. Studies in Interactional Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [ub online]
Goffman, Erving. 1981. Forms of talk. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Tannen, Deborah. 2005. Conversational style: analyzing talk among friends. New edition. New York: Oxford University Press. [ub online]
Trappes-Lomax, Hugo. 2004. Discourse analysis. In The Handbook of Applied Linguistics, eds. Alan Davies & Catherine Elder, 133-165. Malden: Blackwell.
Third block: Spoken narratives
Johnstone, Barbara & De Fina, Barbara. 2015. Discourse analysis and narrative. In Tannen et al., eds. 152-167.
Linde, Charlotte. 1993. Life stories. The creation of coherence. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press. [ub online]
Norrick, Neal R. 2010. Conversational Narrative. Storytelling in everyday life. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [ub online]