Late arrival (2024)

Classes start Wednesday, 2 October 2024.

Students who cannot join us in the first week of October because of visa issues are requested to do the following:

    1. Register in MS Teams, using your student account (an e-mail address ending in, and follow the information distributed there,
    2. Inform the teacher of each class of the approximate date of your arrival and
    3. ask each teacher what you have to do to follow the content of the class. But do not do that too earlier, around 1.10. is enough.

Class materials and tasks will be available at MS Teams, and some teachers will transmit their lectures in October on that platform. We also provide a group in MS Teams for all first year students with useful information around your studies. You may also use the chat function of MS Teams to contact teachers, just type in their name.

Teachers’ e-mails have the form (without diacritics)

The list of obligatory and elective classes can be found on the page Classes. Attention: don’t write to teachers of elective classes that you are NOT going to take! First year students’ elective classes include one class of the module Methods and Applications (Gesture analysis or Lexicography; it is possible to take both, but the workload will be heavy) as well as a language class (recommended, but not obligatory in the first semester).

When contacting a teacher via e-mail or the chat function in MS Teams, students should always sign the message with their full name. We also appreciate the use of full sentences and punctuation marks and polite adress terms (but not the phrase “I hope this message finds you well”).

We expect you as soon as possible. Please recall that ELLDo cannot be studied remotely, we only provide help for students who join us a bit later (but not after November). We expect late arrivers to be fully informed of the class content and homeworks they may have missed.

Prof. Nicole Nau
Coordinator of ELLDo